Jul 13, 20224 min


Despite the joy that comes with picking out the perfect new outfit, many of us have begun to question whether shopping at fast fashion brands like H&M and Forever 21 truly brings value to our lives. While we may be able to buy that cute dress on sale, how much is that happiness going to cost us in the long run? When you buy cheap clothing from fast fashion stores, you’re not just getting an affordable deal, you’re also paying an invisible price that doesn’t show up on your credit card statement.

What Is Fast Fashion?

Fast fashion is a term used to describe clothing designs that are quickly brought to market at a relatively low cost. The fast fashion industry has been criticized for its negative environmental and social impact. In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness of the true cost of fast fashion, and many consumers are now choosing to shop more responsibly.

Apparel Prices Have Risen Over Time

A lot has changed since the early days of fashion. In the past, people would make their own clothes or purchase them from a local tailor. Today, most people buy their clothes from retail stores. And as the demand for clothing has increased, so have prices. Since apparel prices have risen over time, some consumers are wondering: how much is too much? A lot has changed since the early days of fashion. In the past, people would make their own clothes or purchase them from a local tailor.

Today, most people buy their clothes from retail stores. And as the demand for clothing has increased, so have prices. However, it’s hard to know what to expect when you go into one store to buy an item and see that it costs $20 less at another store just down the street!

An Apparel Cost Comparison Between Past and Present

In the past, a well-made piece of clothing could be bought for a reasonable price and last many years with proper care. Today, fast fashion has taken over the apparel industry and changed the way we view clothing. A cheaply made garment might cost as little as $5, but it will likely fall apart after just a few washes.

So, is it worth it to buy cheap clothes that won’t last? If you're buying something you'll wear only once or twice before throwing it away, then no. It's not worth spending $5 on something that lasts one or two times if you must spend more than that on dry cleaning or a replacement later. But if you are looking for an everyday staple item like jeans or a black t-shirt and plan to wear them every day, then yes.

Supply Chain Considerations

How can we forget the people who make our clothes? In many cases, they are working in conditions that are less than ideal and certainly not worth the pittance they are paid. But even if we forget about them, we can't ignore the environmental cost of fast fashion. The amount of water and energy required to produce a single garment is staggering, and the pollution created by textile mills is a serious problem. Then there's the issue of what happens to all those clothes once we're done with them. Most end up in landfills or illegally dumped on third world countries where they have negative effects on local economies and ecosystems. It's time for us to wake up and realize that the true cost of fast fashion clothing is much more than its price tag.

Manufacturing Conditions

In most cases, the workers who make our clothes are paid very little, work long hours in poor conditions, and are often subject to verbal and physical abuse. In some factories, workers are locked in and not allowed to take breaks or even use the restroom. As a result of these conditions, many workers suffer from exhaustion, dehydration, and injuries. Some have also reported suffering from pregnancy-related complications such as miscarriages, gestational diabetes, and low birth weight babies. Many clothing companies refuse to allow inspectors inside their factories. Workers are also too afraid to speak up about unsafe working conditions for fear of being fired. We can do something about this by only buying secondhand clothing or by speaking up if we see something that doesn't seem right. For example, if you're at a fast fashion store and you see that the employees aren't wearing gloves while handling the clothes, don't be afraid to ask them why!

Retailer Costs vs. Worker Wages

Have you ever wondered how much it really costs to produce the clothes you buy? It's no secret that the retail industry is built on low prices and high profits. But what many consumers don't realize is that these low prices come at a high cost - both to the environment and to the workers who make the clothes. There are several factors that contribute to the environmental impact of fast fashion clothing, including water consumption, chemical use, carbon emissions, and textile waste. For example, an alarming amount of water is used in every stage of textile production - as much as 3 tons per kilo. Chemical use has also increased drastically over the last few decades in order to increase production speed while decreasing labor costs.

Environmental Considerations

It takes a lot of water to grow cotton and other fabrics commonly used in clothing. In fact, it takes about 2,700 liters of water to make one t-shirt! And the dyes used to color our clothes often contain harmful chemicals that can pollute local water supplies. With so many people buying new clothes all the time, it’s no wonder our environment is suffering. Textiles are also responsible for huge amounts of air pollution, as they are sometimes transported across long distances by ships or trucks before they reach their destination.

A Personal Case Study in Apparel Sustainability

I remember the first time I went into Forever 21. I was in high school and on a tight budget, so the appeal of cheap trendy clothes was irresistible. I left the store with a haul of new clothes and felt like I had hit the jackpot. It wasn’t until later that I realized the true cost of my purchase. Sure, I saved money at the register but what about all those toxins seeping into our water and air as they're processed by a third world country? What about the workers who can't afford to feed their families because they are paid pennies per hour to make my clothing? And what about me when these clothes wear out after only a few wears?

By Nina
